Danish Canadian National Museum
35544 Rge Rd 3-1. Go 0.8 km south of the hamlet of Dickson on Rge Rd 3-1. The gardens are 0n the west side of the road.
Shallow ponds, cattails, mixed woods, a 3-ha garden and a man-made lake.
One km of good walking trails.
Great Blue Heron, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Baltimore Oriole. During migration: warblers.
The Red Deer River Naturalists are not liable for any injury or damage whatsoever caused to yourself or others by using this guide.
More birds will be seen in the spring and summer seasons, but all locations will have some winter birds. Typical and common species can be expected for each habitat described. Large deep lakes typically attract migrating waterfowl, (ducks, swans, and geese). Notable Species are species of special interest that have been recently recorded in or near the area.
Alberta Conservation Association’s (ACA) Alberta Discover Guide has 170 + Conservation Sites listed for the Central Alberta area. Check their website www.albertadiscoverguide.com for locations to pick up a printed version or get the pdf or app version at: www.albertadiscoverguide/getyourguide.cfm